Kamloops Skin Solution is open and welcomes existing and new patients.

While many things have changed in response to COVID-19, our commitment to your safety and care is unwavering.

As a physician directed accredited surgical facility, infection control has always been a top priority. We are following guidelines of the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control and have modified our policies, procedures and patient experience to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our clinic.

BEFORE YOU ARRIVE. Your experience in our clinic begins before you arrive! To reduce social contact in our reception area, we now have a virtual waiting room where you will find the new patient forms to be completed before your appointment.

Maintaining Physical Distancing – On Time and One at a Time Please

We have created time and space distancing between patients. Please come exactly at your scheduled time and wait at door until we have indicated for you to come in. We cannot accommodate late or early arrivals.

Please come to your appointment alone – we cannot accommodate friends and family unless you need specific support. Cosmetic patients, please come without makeup.

Please know that all treatment rooms are cleaned and sanitized after every appointment and all surfaces in our common areas and staff areas are sanitized regularly.

WHEN YOU ARRIVE. Our team will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as directed by Provincial Authorities. We request your cooperation with the following protocols;

We will conduct a verbal wellness screening prior to you entering the clinic. This will include questions related to;

  • Symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat.
  • Potential contact with COVID-19 or someone with above symptoms
  • Travel outside Canada or region

When you enter the clinic, please wear a mask, sanitize hands and sign any required consent forms. You will then be taken directly to a private treatment room.

DURING YOUR APPOINTMENT. When your appointment begins, we will once again conduct a verbal wellness screening and review with you any new or updated information from your completed Patient Consultation Forms. Our team will continue to wear PPE throughout your appointment.

Communication and cooperation are crucial at this time – if you have any questions or concerns, please call our office or email prior to your appointment.