Melasma is a condition characterized by brown or grey/blue patches on the skin. These patches will typically appear in commonly sun-exposed areas such as the cheeks, forehead, upper lip, and chin.
Melasma is a condition characterized by brown or grey/blue patches on the skin. These patches will typically appear in commonly sun-exposed areas such as the cheeks, forehead, upper lip, and chin.
Also known as the Pregnancy Mask, melasma is more common in women, though it also affects men. Exactly how the condition develops is yet to be fully understood however, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, thyroid dysfunction, hormones, and genetic predisposition have all been linked to the increased melanin deposition.
As melasma is a chronic and relapsing condition, a combination of treatments is recommended in order to manage the hyperpigmentation.
Sun Protection
As sun exposure is known to contribute to worsening melasma, we strongly recommend using two-step protection by layering an antioxidant serum under a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 30.