Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy (UGFS)
The treatment of venous disease has undergone a revolutionary transformation with addition of duplex ultrasound.
Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy (UGFS)
The treatment of venous disease has undergone a revolutionary transformation with addition of duplex ultrasound.
Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy is a highly specialized procedure for treating varicose veins. This is a nonsurgical minimally invasive technique. Vein mapping before the treatment allows the doctor to accurately locate the selected veins to be treated. Once marked, a foam sclerosant solution is injected into the abnormal veins using ultrasound guidance. The drug then causes an inflammatory reaction usually causing the vein to close, and with time, the body usually reabsorbs it. This procedure is quick, safe, and effective..
- Quick, in-office procedure
- No anesthetic required
- Little to no downtime
- Can resume normal daily activity
- Faster recovery compared to surgery
How It Works
A sclerosant solution is mixed with air to create a foam consistency, called microfoam. Using a small needle, under ultrasound guidance, the foam is injected into the abnormal vein. The foam pushes the blood out of the way, allowing the foam to touch the lining of the vessel. This triggers an inflammatory response ultimately causing the vein to close. Over time, the veins dissolve and disappear as the body gradually absorbs them.

What To Expect
This non-surgical treatment option is an in-office procedure that takes approximately 20 minutes. Most patients experience mild discomfort. Immediately after, we will apply a class II, 30 – 40 mmHg medical compression stocking to be worn for 1 week. A follow-up ultrasound appointment will be scheduled one week post injection, to evaluate the treated vein.
Depending on the vein treated, UGFS may have a success rate as high as 85% at 1 week. Re-treatment may be required depending on size of vein being treated, anatomical positioning of vein, compression fit and compliance. Once the main source of reflux in the truncal veins have been successfully closed, you may still require more sessions of sclerotherapy (without ultrasound). Upon successful vein closure of all affected veins, patients can expect relief of symptoms caused by venous disease.
- The first day requires periods of walking and elevating the treated leg.
- Can resume normal daily activity with the avoidance of heavy leg exercise.
- Mild discomfort that may last for a few weeks after treatment. Should resolve with anti-inflammatory or mild analgesic.
- Bruising that can last 2 – 3 weeks.
- Lumpiness of the treated vein due to occlusion of the vessel.
Avoid any air travel or long road trips for at least 3 weeks post treatment. You are encouraged to improve lifestyle factors to aid in the prevention of the progression of venous disease.
Lifestyle Improvements
- Wear 20 mmHg – 30 mmHg compression stockings
- Exercise regularly
- Drink lots of water
- Eat well and maintain a healthy weight